Narbutas, Vallila, Littlephant and Långelid/von Brömssen new brands

Narbutas with ergonomic office furniture, Vallila with Finnish wallpaper classics, Littlephant with imaginative children's wallpapers, and Långelid/von Brömssen with modern wallpapers that play with history are new brands in Aveo's range.

Into The Woods vihreasininen puutapetti Langelid von Bromssen

Narbutas ergonomic office furniture

Invest in ergonomics and acoustics when working from home. From Narbutas, you get adjustable desks with or without acoustic panels and ergonomic office chairs. Narbutas is a Lithuanian company that designs high-quality furniture for modern workplaces. 

In the pictures, the One adjustable desk with Desk 760 acoustic panels.

From left: the Mobi side table, the small One Small adjustable desk, and the Sway stool, which rocks.

Aveo has used Narbutas products in many interior projects. They are of high quality and relatively affordable.


Vallila's classic patterns as wallpaper

Vallila's classic patterns are widely known, also outside Finland. Now, Vallila's wallpaper classics are available in Aveo's assortment. The wallpapers in the Classics and Classics II collections are made in Finland and are of high quality. 

Kelohonka is one of Vallila's most famous patterns.


From left: Bergen, Ohra, and Oksat.


Littlephant's fun children's wallpapers in soft colors

Littlephant is a Swedish brand with imaginative and wonderful children's wallpapers in lovely, soft color combinations. The designer Camilla Lundsten is behind the company. The wallpapers harmonize nicely with each other in a color palette. 

The pattern Fruit Garden is award-winning. 

From the left: Noble Nymphs, Fairytale Fox and Aquatic.


Långelid/von Brömssen modern and historical wallpapers

The wallpapers from Långelid/von Brömssen are both modern and a flirt with history. The wallpapers match each other in color but are wonderfully different in language and variation. Daniel Långelid and Emma von Brömssen have published two wallpaper collections.

The wallpaper Hares in hiding takes us to the world of fables with hares hiding among the leaves.


From the left: A peep to the past, Duck pond and Coleslaw.

Both Littlephant and Långelid/von Brömssen's wallpapers are manufactured at Ulricehamns Tapetfabrik in Sweden. They are of high quality and are made with the best interest of the environment in mind.